
RDmoto アールディーモト ガード・スライダー クラッシュプロテクター【Crash protectors】 Colour:orange aluminium anodized Colour:white polyamid ZX-10R 2016-





Colour:black polyamid / Colour:blue aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:blue aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:gold aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:gold aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:black aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:black aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:green aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:green aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:orange aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:red aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:red aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:silver aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:silver aluminium anodizedはこちら※リンク先に商品がない場合、すでに完売している商品となります。


■商品番号K42-PHV1W-O■商品概要SPORTS-LIKE 形状プロテクターSport-like shaped protectors.Price include fitting kit protectors and covers.8 colours variants for AL cover.Colour:white polyamid Colour:orange aluminium anodized■適合車種▼KAWASAKIZX-10R 2016- ■詳細説明These protectors are offered in following colors and materials: black polyamid and silver aluminium coverblack polyamid and red aluminium coverblack polyamid and blue aluminium coverblack polyamid and black aluminium coverblack polyamid and gold aluminium coverblack polyamid and orange aluminium coverblack polyamid and green aluminium cover Protectors are 50 mm in diameter and 60 mm lenght. Every protector includes colored cover that hides the screw inside. Product is sold with complete fitting kit for specific motorbike. Every protector has inner steel insertion that increases the power and allows use of shorter screws to the frame.Our crash protectors are tested both in regular traffic conditions on the road and on the racing tracks by racing teams. This gives us the experience and feedback to develop the optimal technical solution so that our protectors provide excellent protection of motorcycle in the event of a fall. Each protector passes through quality of control and processing. Durability and functionality of our protectors can be seen in the "CRASH TEST" part of this website.Mouting kits are manufactured with respect to several aspects of the specific motorycle. We always try to design the set so that it provides maximum protection while minizining potential damanges and support the look of the motorcycle.All crash protectors are manufactured from high-quality materials and thanks to modern manufacturing methods we are able to offer them at reasonable costs.【参考訳】これらのプロテクターは、以下の色と材質で提供されています:黒色ポリアミドと銀色アルミニウムカバーブラックポリアミドと赤色アルミニウムカバーブラックポリアミドと青色アルミニウムカバーブラックポリアミドと黒色アルミニウムカバーブラックポリアミドと金アルミニウムカバーブラックポリアミドとオレンジ色アルミニウムカバーブラックポリアミドと緑色アルミニウムカバープロテクターは50mm直径および60mmの長さである。














  • 商品価格:9,526円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)

